ALA Digital Documents
01. ALA Publications
Assam Legislative Assembly Library Publications
02. Assembly Debates
Debates Of Assam Legislative Assembly
03. Budget Speeches
Budget Speeches
04. Governor Addresses
Assam Assembly
06. Parliament Publications
Lok Sobha/Rajiya Sobha
07. White papers
Govt of Assam
08. E-Resources
Assam Assembly
09.Council Debates
Assam Legislative Council
10. Departmentally Related Standing Committee (DRSC)
Assam Assembly
11. Other Committee Report
Assam Assembly
12. Demands For Grants
Government Of Assam
- 760 Acts
- 666 acts
- 233 Assam Appropriation
- 146 Debates
- 46 Budget
- 42 Assam Taxation
- 41 PAC
- 34 Salaries and Allowances
- 31 Finance Act
- 30 Sales Tax
- next >
Date issued
- 594 2000 - 2023
- 1093 1900 - 1999
- 16 1850 - 1899
Has File(s)
- 1716 true