ALA Digital Documents
01. Assembly Publications
Assam Legislative Assembly Library Publications
02. Assembly Debates
Debates Of Assam Legislative Assembly
03. Assembly Sessions
Calendar, List of Business and Bulletin of Assam Legislative Assembly Sessions
04. Governor Speeches
Assam Assembly
05. Budget Speeches
Budget Speeches
06. Parliament Publications
Lok Sabha/Rajiya Sabha
07. White papers
Goverment of Assam
08. E-Resources
Assam Assembly
09. Council Debates
Assam Legislative Council
10. Departmentally Related Standing Committee (DRSC)
Assam Assembly
11. Other Committee Report
Assam Assembly
12. Demands For Grants
Government Of Assam
13. Goverment of India Acts
Goverment of India
14. Orders by the Governor
15. Economic Survey of Assam
Economic Survey
17. Assam Budget
Assam Budget
18. Autonomous Council's Acts
Acts of Autonomous Councils of Assam